søndag 1. mars 2015

Day 24: Beautiful date with Jimmy


So it's sunday and Jimmy has planned our date for today~ I was very excited because I didn't know what we would do, I only knew we were going to eat dinner.

Jimmy picked me up at my room, which was super romantic! <3 It wasen't planned because our messages didn't reach each other for some reason... But someone let him in, and he cam to my room ^__^ I got flowers and Godiva chocolate! :D It was so sweet of him!~
 Ready to head out the door! It was too bad it wqas raining so much :( But it was nice to share an umbrealla~
 We took the train to Tokyo station and Jimmy showed me to the famous Chocolatier Palet D’or. It wasen't possible to have a reservation, so we had to wait for about 30 minuters before getting in. Jimmy knew it would be a queue, but I didn't mind because we spent the time talking <3

 We had the hot chocolate with cake! Jimmy chose this place because he knows that I love everything with chocolate, ecpecially hot chocolate <3

 The hot chocolate was a little bitter which was awesome with the sweet chocolate cake!

 After all the awesomly delicious chocolate, we went to Sunshine city in Ikebukuro for dinner. The elevator at Sunshine 60 went 36 km/h! It was awesome! The restaurant was at the 59th floor. But because it was raining, we didn't see anything~
And to my surprise, he had reserved 2 hours at a fancy sushi place! We discovered that we have very different taste in sushi. Haha!

The transparent one, is many tiny raw fishes. It wasen't too good, said Jimmy xD
After 2 hours of eating and chatting we walked around the mall, and to my excitement there was a pokemon store! Yaaay!

I bought this for Jimmy and I~ I'm such a pokemon nerd D: But it was sooooo cute!
We were too late for the J-World, but we're going back here to do even more stuff! 

And why not eat some dessert? :D The lady was so nice to us ^_^ She called Jimmy "Onii-chan", which means "big brother", it can be used to refer to a boy. I though it was funny!
Such a hadsome piece of human <3
Oh, yeah! Selfie.
After the date, Jimmu had bought me a late birthday present! My birthday was almost 3 weeks ago, but he wanted to give me something. He really is way too sweet~ A Rirakkuma pencil case and Umeshu (梅酒) which is the drink I drank when I got to know Jimmy. The tiny keyring(thing) was also a gift ^_^ He has the same one. It's Mount Fuji as a cat! <3
I bough a bag, which you have on your back with only one strap. I have no idea what it is called... But it was super cool, and a good size~
This is some more stuff I bough at the Pokemon store. Jimmy got the other pen that matches this one <3 And of course a MasterBall!
And lastly, a Raichu for my phone ^^
It was an amazing day! But very expensive, so we can't do this every week!


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