fredag 6. februar 2015

Day 1 and 2 - Seaside Inn and Borderless house

I'm a little late with the update, sorry~
Since I came to Japan I have had extremly jet lag.
And I made it worse by going to sleep at 17:00, and then waking up at 01:30.
Anyway..Here is what I've done so far.

By the way, here is the video from my trip from Norway to Japan:
I had some problems while making it, but I think it's ok now!

Friday 6th
After spending the night at Seaside Inn, I met up with Ji Mi from Borderless House.
I was stupid enough to wait at the wrong place! I even asked twice if I was at the north exit!
I suspect that some japanese people want to help you even though they don't understand. So what happends is that they give you wrong information.(Which also happened yesterday when I was taking the subway). Anyway.. Ji Mi finally found me and she showed me the way to the house. She is a very sweet and kind girl! We went through the contract and the house/room.
When the clock was about 16:00 I was exhausted... And stupid me though "I'm just going to take a nap". I fell asleep, and woke up about two hours later. I was so tired I though I could manage to sleep until morning. Haha! Boy, I was wrong! I woke up 01:30 fully rested and ready to get up... FML.. 

Saturday 7th
Why did I go to bed so early? So after maaaany hours in bed with my computer I finally decided to get up at 06:00. I didn't have any food besides from what I got from Norway, so I went to Seiyuu. Seiyuu is a big store, and the grocery store is open 24/7. It was amazing to walk in the street so early! 

I bough breakfast, lunch and some other stuff. The problem is I forgot something.. At Seiyuu there are no ordinary plastic bags to have your groceries in. I though it was funny the employee said "大丈夫ですか" which means "will you be OK?". What he ment was that I only had a purse with me and where were I supposed to have all my stuff? I soon realised my problem, but luckley I had my big scarf with me, so I used that to carry my groceries in... Haha!

When I came back home I took some more pictures since the others were asleep. I cleaned the livingroom and kitchen, because it was a little dirty~

Todays breakfast

 When the clock was around 10:00 I got ready to go out again, because  now the other stores are open. I went to Daiso to buy some stuff like a towel, boxes etc. In the same building I was one of my favourite games! In Akihabara these games are always occupied by pro japanese, but this time I had them all by my self! I even managed to film myself. The angle is not very flattering, haha! But you can get an idea how you play.

I have been in the livingroom for some time, but it is very quite! I though with so many people I would see them all the time. I think it's 27 people living here, but I have only met like 6-7 people! I know many of them is busy with work and school. The second person I met was a girl, she was really nice, but I haven't seen her since then. It's always a little awkward to be the "new kid", becuase you feel like everyone knows each other. Most of the people living here didn't even know I was going to move in, so...yeah..people mind their own business I think. I think I'm the one with the least japanese skills... I get a little jealous of the other foreigners that can speak japanese with the japanese people living here~ I hope I can learn alot of japanese! But it's a little difficult when I just moved in... And the jet lag hasn't made it any easier! It's 16:00 now, and I'm not sure what to do yet. I'll go to the living room again and maybe see some new faces. There is a park not far away so maybe I'll go there to get some fresh air.

I'll post my video when I get it fixed! Sorry if it's any mistakes in the text, I'm writing very fast :P

1 kommentar:

  1. ååå bra du koser deg. Dette fortjener du :) Emma x x x
