mandag 20. april 2015

Day 73 and 74: "To do-list" and School lunch!


Sunday 19th of April

Do you know the feeling? You want a day just to be lazy and relax, but when you finally get it you feel quilty for not doing anything? Haha! That's what my stupid brain does to me :P Well, I actually got to do stuff I needed to do like; vaccum clean my room, wash my clothes, go grocery shopping, buy other stuff I need, exercise and do homework. Jimmy was busy making his own game for the Ludum Dare ( 

Monday 21st of April

I really hate having 08.50 class, because I have to get up at 06:30 the latest (because I'm so slow). My bus goes 07:55 from SeisekiSakuragaoka station and it takes 40 minutes to school. I prefer this over train because then I don't have to transfer. Today I had Japanese Language and Society and I really like this class! The teacher is nice and he has a lot of knowlegde. He mostly speaks during lecture so it's important to pay attention and write notes continuously. The good thing is that he repeats the important parts more than once. This way I feel I can take good notes while he talks.

From a list he choose a person to answer a question and I got called:
Teacher: "Miss Korneliussen"
Me: "Vicky is fine"
Teacher: "thank you"

He also said that even if he is a linguist (or works with linguistic) he still think names in other language are difficult to pronounce.

For the question part, I did answer it correctly. It was about one of the main reasons it's difficult to say how many dialects there are in Japan. We also had a tiny quiz today, but I think everyone got it right.

I had some stuff to do after class so I first had lunch at the school cafeteria, it was so cheap!
  I later ordered the textbook for this class, because the final is an open book exam. And I was so lucky to get help with that~
I also looked up some books at the library for other classes, printet out some stuff at the computer center and then went home. Jimmy later came to visit ^_^

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