torsdag 16. april 2015

Day 69 and 70: Shinjuku with Jimmy and getting a bank account


Wednesday 15th of April

So today I had two classes of Japanese, which went very well. We finished unit 2 and 3.

Unit 2:

  • (Aより)Bのほうが X です = (B is X than A)
  • X(のなか)でAが一いちばん Y = (A is the number one among three)
  • AはBより X です = (A is X than B)
Unit 3

Noun-modifying clause

  • 明日、見る映画 (The movie that I am going to watch tommorow)

Ekpression for "to put on"

  • put on something over your head = きる
  • put something from below = はく
  • put on a hat = かべる
  • put on glasses = かける
  • put on small accessories = する
After school I went home and did some homework, ate lunch and cleaned my room. Then I filled out some papers that had to be delivered by mail, before I went to Shinjuku to meet Jimmy at 17:30. We went out to by new Sim cards for our phones. It's called "Travel Sim" which gives you 2 GB of internet data for 3 months. So either you use up all the data and have to buy new, or the 3 months pass and you have to buy a new one. My 3 months are almost up (and my data) so it's good to have a new on hand in case you run out and need to contact someone. My phone doesn't work here so internet is the only communication I've got while in Japan. I'm planning to buy a japanese phone very soon.

After buying the Travel Sim we went out to eat

After eating we went back to my places and watched a movie.

Thursday 16th of April

So today dear Kazuki went with me to get my address registered, get a health insurence and get a japanese bank account. It would be impossible to do it without him so I was very thankful!

First stop 08:30:Register my address + health insurance. We took the bus and were the first customars there! It's alway good to be first so you hopefully won't have to wait too long. First I got the adress on my card then I got a health insurance. I already have an insurance from Norway, but it makes things a little easier when I pay in adcanced. I only have to pay 30% of the bill/for medicin when going to a clinic or a doctor. I'm not 100% sure what my insurance from Norway covers, but in the worst case I only have to pay 30%. Often when you have a cold you go to a doctor to get some medicin, and this may not be covered from norway as we maybe don't see it as a necessity... I should check it out...haha
Then we went to UFJ bank in Seiseki Sakuragaoka to open a japanese bank account. At this point I'm hating my name soooo much because I had to write it so many times! I think I wrote my WHOLE name around 10 times, both in Norwegian and in katakana ( japanese). And on one of the papers I wrote my name in the wrong order and I had to start it all over again! WHY JAPAN!!?? But I finally got my bank book and then later I'll get a card.

 This is all my papers I got today, too much! (not my TMU card thou...)
 This is my sign which I got to use for the first time today! It's the kanji "美" (read as "bi") which means beauty. It matched the start of my name "Vi"beke (because they don't have "vi" they write "bi"). It was actually my friend Dave's idea! 
 On top is my japanese bank book, on the left it my address and on the right is my health insurance.
 I put in 10,000 yen (about 650 kroner), and I'll get my card in the mail in about a week.

 When I got home I prepared myself a cup of tea, toast, scrambled eggs and smoked salmond!
 So delish~
 I listened to norwegian music while enjoying my lunch in the awesome hot weather :)

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