mandag 16. mars 2015

Day 39: Failed trip to the bank, and Ebisu


So today was kind of a bad day, again...

Went to the bank to pay the rent for my apartment from April. From April I'm moving in to a shared apartment, that is chosen by my University. It's very cheap, only 192,000 yen for 5 months (13.000 kroner). So I got this bill from when I visited my University, that I have to pay in a bank. Sounds easy, right? Apparently not! I took out the money, brought my passport and my bill, and headed for the bank. I had to fill out a paper, but I got help for that. You know, because they don't speak English and I can't read kanji. Then I got a number, and I had to wait. That far it was very easy. But when it was my turn it got difficult. 

First of all: the more "polite" you speak in Japanese, the "complex" are the sentences. So for me it's very difficult to understand when people in a bank, post office etc, talk to me. It would be SOOO much easier if they talked to me like I'm a child. But of course they don't, so they keep talking polite and make me more confused the more they speak. Then maybe you're asking, why did you go to a bank if you don't know enough Japanese? Well, I though it was just to hand over the bill and money and everything would work out, so... That's what I got informed about when I talked to my contact at the University... 

Either way: after a lot of talking, I understood they needed a Student ID, but the problem is: I DON'T HAVE IT! I start in April, and I haven't got it yet... So after a about 45 minutes of waiting, they got hold of a guy that could speak English. He then told me that without my Student ID, could not pay a bill (or tranfer money, whatever I should call it) over 100.00 yen! Now, who made up that rule!? I could have understood it if it was the other way around, that I was the one receiving money, but I'm giving it from me.... So yeah, they couldn't help me. I felt very bad for the staff, because they were trying so hard to figure it out. I even got a pen as an apology because they couldn't help me. 

I then went home and sent an e-mail about it to my University. And my contact though it was very weird, because a different exchange student paid without problem. So at this point I'm waiting for guidance from my contact. But it's so frustrating to use time and effort on something that doesn't work out... Well, I went home, made dinner that sucked (because I used way too much sauce on it and it was destroyed). I washed some clothes and time just flew away, 

I picked an awesome outfit, but forgot to take a picture of it~ Oh noo~
I met Jimmy in Ebisu, we ate dinner, visited a shrine and went to the mall before going to his place. We bought strawberries, and enjoyed those while watching supernatural. 

So I didn't do that much today, but sometimes the time just flies away! 


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