søndag 15. mars 2015

Day 38: Yoyogi Park

So today Jimmy and I went to Yoyogi Park and Shibuya.

After using some time to pick an outfit (because I love everything I bought yesterday) I was hoping to see some cosplayers or harajuku fashion, but there was so few! I think it's less today than for some years ago... 

Either way, we went to Yoyogi Park which is one of Tokyo's largest parks. There was a nice man that offered to take our picture. Too bad of all the stuff around the gate...

In Shibuya we ate lunch/dinner and tried to look for a backpack for Jimmy. I may have done some more shopping :P Not much though. A skirt, a cardigan, socks and some aaccessories.
 We went to Jimmy's place "early" so he had time to study before his test on Wednesday. We ate some food and watched supernatural. So while I'm blogging he's studying :)


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