tirsdag 2. juni 2015

Day 115,116 and 117: Party and work, that's all you need!


Sunday 31st of May

Today I was invited to a 飲み放題 party (nomihoudai = all-you-can-drink) by my friend Rina that lives in my share place. It was from 17-20 and it was a lot of fun! It cost 3000 yen (180-190 kroner) and was included food. I was the only non-asian, which I thought was a little funny :P Fortunately some of the others could speak very good English! That way I didn't have to only speak Japanese, and my brain could rest a little~

Everyone was chatting, eating and drinking! :)

 This is a picture of the lucky winners of the random lottery. I thought I won because I heard "Vicky", but in reality it was"Ricky". After a little confusing, Ricky was so kind to give the prize to me! It turned out to be a really good moisturizer (I love it!). Thank you!
 Here is a picture of everybody that came to the party! It was awesome!
 On our way home we stopped to buy frozen yoghurt xD Haha! It was very good!

Monday 1st of June

Classes at Uni as usual~ Nothing really interesting happened.. :P It was work today too! I took two pictures of my preperation, because why not~

This is the overview of which student does which level of English, and when they have skype calls. This is then the base for the next picture.
 Here I'm making homework based on what the students do in the classroom. This is just repetition. Usually just vocabulary and simple sentences.
When class start I collect the homework and correct it. Then I help the students during class. After the students go home I write down how far the students got, write a small note about their work, reserve new skype calls and clean the classroom. And then I go home :)

I'm also working 3 days extra during the TOEIC-test that's next weekend and 27th of June. That's from 07:50-15, so I can get many more hours!

After coming home, I did some grocery shopping, cleaned my room, went for a jog, skyped with my mom and took a shower before going to bed. It was very nice to talk to mom and we had a lot of stuff to catch up to <3

Tuesday 2nd of June
Every tuesdays are only 08:50-10:20, so the rest of the day went to practise for the Japanese mid-term exam  that's tomorrow, working out my legs and butt, cleaning my room (AGAIN..I don't know what's happening at this point) and making a healthy obento (lunch) for tomorrow. And that's pretty much it.

Next thursday I'm going to FujiQ themepark with Penny, her boyfriend and some other student from Uni! I'm looking forward to it!

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